Db2 export command example using file format (del , ixf)
You want to transfer data from a db2 database table to another db2 database or within the same database, one of the way is to use db2 export / import command. Using db2 export / import you can move your data to excel also. DB2 export command exports data selected by SQL statement from a table or view to an external files in the format of del - delimited , wsf - worksheet format , ixf - Integration Exchange Format,asc. The DEL format uses delimiter and column separator and decimal point. The default string delimiter is double quote " and column separator is comma(,) and Decimal Point is dot(.), you can also specify your own string delimiter & column separator, decimal point. Another format supported by DB2 is IXF (Integration Exchange Format). It is a generic relational database exchange format which supports an end-of-record delimiter . IXF architecture supports to exchange of relational database structures and data. IXF is used for transferring data ...
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