How to Upgrade DB2 Version from 10.5 to 11.1 using Linux Server

Steps to follow for DB2 Upgrade


1.Backup up the databases.

2.Stop the existing instance

3.Download the Latest db2 version to upgrade

4.First,do the instance upgrade

5.After the instance upgrade completion,do the database upgrade using the upgrade command


-- Download the 11.1 version & install the db2.(Make sure that don't create any instances)


It will install db2 in this /opt/ibm/db2/11.1 path.This is the default path for db2.


Go to /opt/ibm/db2/11.1/instance path,here we have a command called db2iupgrade to upgrade the instances.


./db2iupgrade -u <fenceuserid> <instanceuserid>


It will take some time to upgrade & will generate the log file.U check the complete details in the log file(regarding the status of upgradation)


Once the upgradation is success.U have to start the instance using db2start command.


You can check the db2 version,whether the instance is upgraded or not.


db2ls or db2level -- It will provide the information about the db2 version


-- For upgrading the Databases,using the below command on every database in your instance


db2 "Upgrade database <databasename>



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