Secure Socket Layer (SSL) implementation in Db2
Db2 supports the use of Secured Socket Layer (SSL) to enable authentication through digital certificates, and to provide private communication between the client and the server via encryption to encrypt data in-transit. The SSL support is provided through the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) libraries that are installed on the Db2 server. Implement SSL using the following steps: Create a key database: gsk8capicmd_64 -keydb -create -db "KeyDB.kdb" -pw "Passw0rd" -stash The -stash option creates a stash file with an extension of.sth. This stash file will be used by the GSKit to obtain the password during the instance restart Configure digital certificates. Add a digital certificate for your server to the key database. The server sends this certificate to clients during the SSL handshake to provide authentication for the server. gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -create -db "KeyDB.kdb" -pw "Passw0rd" -label "MyKeyDBLabel" -dn "CN=my...